Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Office Room Decors
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Cagayan de Oro City Fiesta 2010

I can only imagine the crowd in this area who came from the East side of the city such as Lapasan, Cugman, Gusa, Bugo who occupied this place because it is very convenient.

Home Projects
Bankhead Tunnel in Alabama

Golf Course Bookings
Home Decor

My arrangements might not click for your taste but for me, it looks good. The vases are expensive. I was trying to find a plastic that looks like ceramic but, I have no luck LOL! Therefore, I took a deep breathe and hubby bought this items. Oh, we mix and match the items and we got this. I was happy that we found perfect three items in the same color, design and style.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
North Myrtle Beach
Lemonata in Olive Garden

Bali Holidays
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Filmslam #8 in Orlando

When we arrived, the place looked like a haunted house that you see in movies, lol. Kidding! Well, the outside looks that way because it was surrounded with old oak trees. The movie theater is called ENZIAN, the venue for Florida Film Festival. How cool huh? Wanna see the venue? Visit Anyway, there were six short films on that day and we have to cast our votes viewing from 5 minutes to 20 minutes per film. Here are the films: 1. Rewinders 2. Plenty of Fish 3. Drift 4. After: The Kellie Greene Story 5. Tape Found, and 6. Gary's Gang
The winner on that event is AFTER: THE KELLIE GREENE STORY (2010) by Lavado Stubbs (wearing red checkered, R-L: 2nd person) Produced by Aaron West.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Don Gregorio Pelaez Sports Complex

Vegas in Real Life
I've watched so many movies about Vegas and most of them make it seem really crazy and fun, within reason. So after i went and saw teh movie The Hangover with my girlfriends we decided that we wanted to take an all girls trip there.
But there was a lot that I needed to do before I left on the trip. So I made sure that I had an appropriate wardrobe, so I went out and bought some party but still appropriate dresses, and did some research on some hearing aids Dayton. I had been wanting to get some for a while because my hearing had been a problem so I thought going on that trip was as good of a reason as any. I went to Miracle Ear and got some hearing aids.
Our trip was great, it wasn't nearly as exciting as the stuff that they couldn't remember on The Hangover movie, but we had a good time that was OK with us. We got a lot of shopping done, saw some shows and even did some gambling.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Happy Birthday Mama
When my mother started schooling, she was a fast learner and very active in school. My grandpa was against the fact that his daughter loves to study. Born in a Spanish descent, grandpa said that women should not go to school but, men does! Women should stay at home and help the mothers while men will provide for the whole family. My mother was forced to stop schooling before she finished her Primary. My mother was devastated! She promised herself that when she will have a family, she would provide a good Education!
My mother left her town and went to the city to work as a saleslady in one of the biggest movie theatre in the city. Considering her level of education, it was not a hindrance! She was good in handling money for the biggest canteen in the movie theatre. Then, she met my father and got married. They have a son and when my mother was 8 months pregnant, my father left us. I was that child and my brother was two when parents separated.
I can not imagine how my mother survive life especially when the movie theatre went bankrupt and all workers lost their job. She was a single mom with two kids. I was in elementary when I volunteered to accompany my mother every weekend to help her do the laundry OF OTHER people. I will never forget those tiring moment of hard labor. On weekdays, before my brother and I wakes up in the morning, she already delivered the meat and seafood orders to her customers. She work tirelessly to provide us. As I grow older and realize the real scenario of our lives, I can tell you this that I seldom saw my mama cry! I never saw her helpless! You know why? My mother PRAYS a lot and take refuge to God in her weakness moments! She is a good Christian and a devotee of Mother Mary. She spent most of her FREE time in the church with her group such as Charismatic, Handmade of the Lord, Divine Mercy, Legion of Mary and many more.
Mama, thank you for everything! Happy birthday!
All I really wish from God is to give you an Excellent health always. I love you and I will be lost without you in my life.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Geico Commercials are the Best
Authored by Raymond Whitney:
My favorite commercial, of all time, is the Geico - but only when the Geico is actually present and talking. His body moves around so smoothly and perfectly that it is difficult to believe that the words are not actually coming from him. Now, I generally do not fall for a number of commericals I see on television but I actually did change my car insurance to Geico. As a result I ended up saving a couple of hundred dollars a year.
All of the Geico commercials I have seen on TV have been excellent. They are always tasteful and well done. My children enjoy them - but not quite as much as I do. It is always exciting to be watching my satellite TV ever since I signed up for a direct tv promotions a saw online and see the little green Geico pop on the screen.
Anyone who has not seen the latest Geico commerical is in for a real treat. The little guy is at some type of business meeting. Next you see him standing on top of a podium talking to the group of gathered business executives. However, the man actually giving the presentation, while talking to the Geico, has some type of major problem and he is stopped in his tracks.
Fancy Cappuccino Machine

Avista Resorts
After the military funeral, my husband and I decided to buy a new house in Florida. The journey of house hunting and bidding the price was very exhausting! There were days that we move from one hotel to another and wait for the response of our offer. Finally, we bought the house and the tiring moments of moving begun two weeks ago. We are ready for a big vacation!
One place that I would really love to stay is Myrtle Beach hotel. I was able to browse and see how wonderful this place through their Website: The beauty of the beach amazed me because it gives me the calmness and the view of nature always fascinates me. This place is devine and total relaxation is what this place can offer. The resorts in Myrtle Beach is truly fantastic. The blue water and blue sky is amazing. This is the only place that I would rather be to relax and rejuvinate myself.