If you visit Disney World, please do not miss Beauty and the Beast Live on Stage. This show will last for 30 minutes located at the Theater of the Stars in Hollywood Studio. Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite animated movies so, I was thrilled watching it live. Your kids will love it.

The location of the stage play is an open theater. You can hear the chirping of the birds in the surrounding area and in fact, one bird kept flying back and forth towards the audience. Well, the crowd was fascinated with that unusual incident. Anyway, I am using the story taken from Wikipedia, for more info just click on the link provided.
An old beggar woman arrives at the castle of a prince. She asks for shelter from the cold, and in return, offers the young prince a rose. Repulsed by her appearance, the prince turns her away. The beggar warns him not to judge by appearances, but the Prince ignores her and shuts the door on her. The woman then throws off her disguise, revealing that she is a beautiful enchantress. The Prince tries to apologize, but she has already seen the lack of kindness in his heart. She conjures a powerful curse, transforming him into a hideous beast, his servants into anthropomorphic household items, and the entire castle and all its surroundings into a dark, forbidding place, so that he will learn not to judge by appearances. The curse can only be broken if the Beast learns to love another and receives the other's love in return before the last petal of the enchantress's rose withers and falls; if not, he will be doomed to remain a beast forever.
A beautiful young peasant woman named Belle has moved to a nearby village.
She is seen as strange due to her preference for reading books.
The local hero Gaston, whom she perceives as an egomaniac and 'positively primeval'. At one point Gaston offers his hand in marriage to Belle, which she rejects. This serves a hard blow to Gaston's ego.
Lumiere, along with the other servants, welcomes Belle warmly and entertains her with an elaborate dinner. ( Cogsworth, Lumiere, Chip, Mrs.Potts)
After dinner, Belle asks the servants for a tour of the castle. Lumiere and Cogsworth happily oblige....
....but Belle manages to sneak away from them and penetrate into the forbidden West Wing....
...where she discovers an extremely disarrayed and desolate room, a slashed portrait with strangely familiar blue eyes, and the enchanted rose...
The Beast finds her there and frightens her with a terrifying display of temper. Belle flees the castle, disregarding her promise to the Beast, and, in the dark forest, is attacked by wolves. The Beast appears and fights off the vicious creatures, but is wounded during the fight; a grateful Belle returns to the castle and, while tending to the Beast's wounds, thanks him for saving her life.
Over some time, the two start to become friends. The Beast even gives Belle "ownership" of his immense library. The household items are excited and optimistic that Belle may fall in love with the Beast and cause them to become human again.
"BE OUR GUEST" music, excellent performance
"Beauty and the Beast" music
dancing at the ballroom
The castle becomes beautiful again and the enchanted objects turn back into humans. The last scene shows Belle and the prince happily dancing in the ballroom and they live happily ever after. I hope you like the pictures.ENJOY!
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