This is the old house of my father-in-law. My husband's home for so many years. It was August 29 2005 when Hurricane Katrina hit Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana States. The water level reached at the ceiling of the house. Everything inside washed out. Cars was destroyed too. My Father-in-law and his wife evacuate to his daughter's place away from the shoreline. Just click the pictures to see how devastating that storm was. Everything inside the house was destroyed. What was really heartbreaking was all the pictures and memories too were washed out to the sea. I visited this sight few days ago. It was really the best. The community is nice, big houses and his property was really huge.
The back area has swimming pool and as you can see, the water level left a mark above the roof top. The pool was filled with dirt water and debris. Their two cars swept by the current. If you visit Mississippi right now, towards the Gulf Coast, there were still ruins left by that storm.

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