Thanksgiving is over and we have left-overs to gobble for the rest of the week. These food goodies are just few of the blessings which members of our family brought for us to partake. We also have a birthday cake for one of my nieces. She just turned 17 and she is so beautiful. We have the tradition of opening her gifts after the meal. She got gifts from all of us and for me, the UGG footwear gift from my sister-in-law was truly awesome. Her parents gave her a sidekick phone too which was very nice.

I forgot to set up the date of my camera that is why it was showing 2005, a bummer huh! Anyway, the celebration was fun and all of us had a good time updating what's new with all of us. We have two huge tables for the grown ups and the teenagers.

The lemon pie is my husband's favorite. He bought it because he can't find the right recipe for the right taste he wanted.

A homemade cake and it taste delicious. Simple and taste heaven, how's that? I know you have a great Thanksgiving celebration! So, here's hoping for a Wonderful Thanksgiving for next year everyone.
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