Christmas is a time of joy, expressing love and care, and sending well wishes to someone who has touched our lives. I am so grateful that there are people who made me feel special like Shana, Kevin and Emilia. I met this family in Orlando, I mentioned about it in THIS POST. Anyway, here are the pictures of Emilia a year ago. Do you think she really posing? Nope! That is why, I snap a picture right away and here's what I got.

See how she smile at the camera? I just set it for 10 seconds delay and look at her. She is adorable, smart and funny.

Emilia in her playful mood. Yesterday, I received a card from them with her latest picture. It was really nice of them to remember me and wish me well.

I wish this family all the best in the world. I am so grateful that I met this family and for giving me courage to follow what my heart desires.

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