I was browsing the latest wall post of my friends and family on FB and found these pictures. I snagged these pictures from the album of my favorite sister. She is with her lil girl, one of my favorite nieces and the background view is my favorite place to visit--->the Stonehenge.
Back home, when we were still single, we love to hang out in the mall and loves to dine out before we head home. It was our way of toning down the monotony of "work-home career woman routine". It's not that we have no life after work or no friends to hang out with, we just love to talk our love life while enjoying the comfort of food and shopping. Oh Yeah! We get along well and we do share our lil rants and raves that is why she is my favorite sister.
Her cute lil gurl is so pretty and haven't seen her yet. She is an angel and so funny with her British accent. Can't wait to talk to her one day, must be fun! The place that they went for a short holiday vacation is one of my dream place to visit. My Sociology Professor in College had so many stories both facts and fiction about Stonehenge. I was drawn in my imagination listening about this place. It would be my greatest joy to see this place with my sister and her lil girl, one day! Call it, my three most favorites, huh!

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