This is one my favorite set of pictures taken last year in Mississippi. It was freezing but our cousins from Missouri wanted to feed the birds on the beach. Husband and I accompanied the kids and the hungry birds swarming above us.
There were no one on the beach area during this time because it was snowing. The original plan was really to go fishing but, weather turned bad. Honestly, after taking these pictures I went back inside the car and turn the heater on. I was freezing to death! The wind blows from the gulf was like ICE!

We were having fun when we put a piece of bread on our head and let the birds dived onto it. Very scary at first but, we got used to it as we close our eyes or cover our faces.

During this time, the wind was blowing so badly and once it hits my skin it's like a painful pinch of needles. I could not even hold my camera in steady position because I was shaking. The kids were used with snow in Missouri so, they were enjoying this moment unmindful of the freezing temperature.

Hubby and I left the kids until such time they run out of food to feed them. The weather was just too much for me even if I was excited to play with snow.

The picture below shows the kids tried to feed the birds. The piece of bread was on their heads.

After an hour, the kids decided to go back home and getting warmed up! I love this weather really! It gives me time to just chill out indoor, watch TV and just have a lazy day!
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