Before we woke up, the Norwegian Sky Cruise Ship arrived early and already dock at Freeport, Grand Bahama Island in Bahamas. We went to the 12th deck to see the sunrise at 7:18 but, it was so cloudy and the sun refused to shine. We thought that this day would be boring because of the rain but, it wasn't bad at all. We went to explore one place in the island and that's the Marketplace and Marina at Port Lucaya.
I already love the view of this island. The water is so clean and so blue! When we go to the gangway, we need to swipe our keycard and when we go back, we do the same thing. The prices of the transportation is posted clearly on the big information board. To the Marketplace, we paid $10/person and it's already back and forth.
Sorry for the blurry images. It was so windy and I am using BB phone. Anyway, we rode in a van and we are about 10 on it. We told the driver that we will drop by in the Treasure Bay Casino. Since it was so early, there were only few people in the casino.
Freeport is district and a free trade zone in the island of Grand Bahama of the North-West of Bahamas. Freeport has become the second most populous city in the Bahamas. The Grand Bahama Port Authority (GBPA) operates the free trade zone so; in Freeport area they will pay no taxes before 2054. I noticed that most hotels on the island are located along the southern shore facing the Northwest Providence Channel.
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