One of my long time friend was surprised when he knew that I live in Mississippi. Well, he lives in a fast-paced city in the US compared to Mississippi, this place is a heavily forested state in the US. But, I am so proud that I lived in Mississippi for 18 months in fact, I got my first State ID in this state. Full of charm, that's how I describe Ocean Springs Mississippi. The people here are family-oriented and friendly, the bread winner works hard but, when there are festivities, the community is very supportive.
On the last quarter of each year, this town celebrates the Alphonsus Fall Festival. This is a school activity but, I noticed that the whole community are involved.
There were games, booths, exhibits and delicious food displays. The kids together with their parents and guardians were enjoying this festival.
Hubby and I enjoyed the food and just watched the kids play their group games. Some of them did the horseback riding, bowling and wall climbing.
Saint Alphonsus School is the Alma Mater of my husband in his elementary years. This school is centered around God and focused on developing children with the following: strong moral character, outstanding academic performance, and enhanced skills necessary for success in higher education and life.
Their mission is to provide a Catholic elementary school that is a living Christian community. It also provides a broad competitive curriculum that challenge the children in academic and spiritual aspects through self-discipline, service to God and community.
This was an interesting weekend because right after the Saint Alphonsus Fall Festival, across the street was the Peter Anderson Festival displaying the arts and crafts of local artists.
It was crowded and people are buying stuffs. Most of the people who came did not only look around but, really bought something for their personal collections.
Ocean Springs is fun and interesting city especially when there is a festival like this.And though it's a small town, I like their activities. Oh if you like to play the casino, you just have to drive the Bay Bridge and more than 7 casinos are there waiting for you. If you visit the coast, do not forget to drop by at Ocean Springs.

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