I was in high school when my teacher demonstrated on how to properly hold the wine glass. I seldom drink wine and as a matter of fact, I don't see any pleasure in drinking wine. When there's a party and in socials, I can take a lil sip and that's it. Anyway, I read it somewhere before that we should always hold the glass by the stem, no matter what the shape or size of the glass and in any type of wine. This demonstration does hold the stem but, showing discomfort in supporting the glass.
On this demonstration, it looks funny and the grip is so tight afraid that something might happen in seconds. Just relax and don't be conscious! The best way is to be comfortable in the crowd and just enjoy being yourself. You don't want to hold a wine glass like this because it looks untidy for simple reason!
Here's the classy demo that I googled to show you the best way to hold the wine glass. See how relax the grip of the glass is? It shows "I am in control" and "I am having a good time".
The proper way to hold a glass of wine is like the demonstration above. But, it doesn't mean that you have to focus your time figuring which is the right way and not. It's good to practice and conform to the norms of the society to be accepted, to belong and not embarrassed. But, what would you do when you see one holding the wine glass ridiculously funny? Don't burst your bubble!

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