This year's 4th of July celebration in Orlando has been memorable in so many ways. Celebrating Freedom Day while all of us are anxious on the "verdict watch" of the Casey Anthony Murder Trial. Floridians learned to love the face of the little girl CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY simply because from DAY 1, people are involved in finding the little girl.
Thousands of people volunteered searching the woods and swamp all over Orlando. The state spent so much money to search where Caylee was because the mom won't tell where and what happen to the little girl.
Caylee won't see these fireworks! She has the right to see how spectacular this event is. But, I can only hope and that will never happen because Caylee's remains was found DEAD in a swamp. The 12 jury has spoken their VERDICT on 7/5/2011 at the Courthouse which is two blocks away from LAKE EOLA PARK. This case will be remembered forever!
A NOT GUILTY VERDICT for Casey Anthony is hard to take but, CAYLEE is not the only Victim who had NO JUSTICE. And that's the real truth! Who is accountable for her death? This question will be left unanswered FOREVER and it's because the 12 JURORS have spoken NOT GUILTY to the accused.
Orlando will move on with life and put this case aside. The prosecution asked this question to the jury: WHO's life is better without Caylee?
The lesson about this whirlwind event? Someone can get away with murder if you LIE. Someone can get away with murder if you put the body in a trash bag , tossed the body in a swamp and eaten by animals. Someone can get away with muder if you accuse men in the family with sexual abuse. Someone can get away with murder ... period! And this is true in the Casey Anthony Murder Trial! Such a sad and tragic ending with the life of this little girl.

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