This is my friend from Louisiana, such a gadget kind-a-person huh? She got this Canon DSLR camera that I so love to have and of course, I am trying to save to buy one for me. Oh yeah! I am that hopeless to have this expensive gadget. My hubby gave me half of the price so, anytime I can buy my own DSLR too.
Look, this is her photos taken from her DSLR. Such a beautiful collection right? These pictures were taken from the balcony of her room. I can't remember what floor was it but, I guess it was on the 5th.
Using a Canon EOS Rebel DSLR camera has many features that is why this camera can take so beautiful pictures such as this one.
Look at the image, it process a high quality even if the speed is used. This DSLR camera also provides a digital zoom as you can see the clear picture below. Such stunning clarity of pictures right?
This is the pool side view of Blue Heron Hotel in Orlando, Florida where the family of my friend were staying for a week.
The place has a jacuzzi which is in a good size. It looks smaller in the picture but, it can probably accommodate 6 people and it's still spacious. Anyway, thanks to my friend who allowed me to use her pictures which I snagged from her facebook profile.

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