Do you like Purple? I noticed that I am attracted to this color in fact, I have gadgets that are purple. When we do our grocery, I always buy fresh flowers such as the picture below. I forgot the name of this flower. It is so pretty don't you think?
Here's the pen that was given to me by a realty company.
Then, my purple Acer Notebook with my purple USB Connect which was turn-upside down but, it's purple too.
Anyway, purple is a range of hues of color between red and blue. Purple occurs by mixing the primary colors red and blue in varying proportions. Purple is a secondary color from blue and red. Purple can be equal to the primary color magenta. I don't know about color theory but, a "purple" is defined as any non-spectral color between violet and red. The spectral colors violet and indigo are not purples but, they are purples according to common English usage since they are between red and blue. Confusing eh?

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