When we had our road trip to Alabama, I was so excited. Hubby has a friend in High School and they have been communicating through emails and phone calls. They are up to date about their latest achievement in life. Oh I am talking about family, children, career moves and what they do most of their life now. High School had been 4 decades ago or more but, it was amazing that they remember all the crazy things they did in High School.
Yep! I was excited because Alabama is a pretty laid-back place just like Mississippi where you can see people loves eating Southern food, enjoys family activities, attend the church and has the passion to work to provide the family.
The thought of traveling to a dirt road was on my mind. It was not the case, gone are those days just like what we saw in the movies. Anyway, the road to our friends' place is long, narrow and winding! Our GPS cannot even locate the place and of course, Internet signal was limited.
We were able to reach his beautiful and new constructed home and at the back of his big house was the farmland with animals. He got almost a hundred goats and the amazing part, he had names to all of them. Most of the goats are pregnant and in few weeks, kids will be running in the big yard. They love their farm animals and they do not butcher them because they treat them as babies. They sells them but, not eat them.
Aside from goats, they have donkeys and chickens also. I was asking the wife if they had fun having a roasted chicken all the time and I see horror in her eyes. LOL, sorry! Yeah! They do not eat their own pets because they are family as what she says. I keep teasing her but, she was kind enough to explain and she even retorted that they are not that hungry enough to eat their pets. We all burst out laughing!
That night, the four of us were reminiscing the men's high school bully days. They are the bullies at that time but, that was 4 decades ago and so different from the bullies we had nowadays. They do not hurt people in those days and up to this time, they remain friends. If you live in the country, people know each other and their generation. We had a good laugh that night and we sleep at midnight. We had a wonderful time!

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