Land is a good asset and for a long term investment, it is actually good because you can pass it on to your family and for the next generation to come. We have few acres of land back home but, the location is steep so; we planted coconut trees and bamboos. Either way, it still good to own lands because in the near future, it will become "money". The Philippines is tropical so; we can plant fruit trees and earn money still. But, here in the US and Alabama in particular, our friend who owns this huge land (as far as you can see and beyond) it's different.
He do not till the land himself. He had a renter who made this land into a cotton farm and peanut farm.
This is part of the farm land which he maintains daily. This is actually the backyard of their property where he had an animal farm: goats, chickens and 2 mules.
The part of the backyard owned by our friend has this huge pond located at the middle. The animals love to hang out in there. The whole vicinity is fenced in but, once in a while there are cayotes that wanders and jump over the fence. They are after the goats.
Our friend said that there are big rattle snakes in the area. That is the reason he keeps it clean.
These are cotton farm. Well, I thought cottons came from big trees only. But, here ... it's bushes.

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